This is a difficult morning. Much beer last night while being given lessons from Swiss Servator on the proper technique for drilling holes in blocks of cheese. “NEIN, NEIN, DAS IST NOT KORRECT! MORE ANGLE!!!!” in his best Sgt. Hartman screaming voice. I admit that I was surprised at some of the subtleties involved, like frequent changing of drill bits so that the holes varied in size properly.

In any event, this will be a beer-themed day on the Glibs as you will see. But first, let’s look at the news.

Apparently there’s a feeling in St. Louis that a trial verdict was not properly arrived at. Indeed, it does seem a bit… suspicious. Interestingly, rather than the mob attacking the judge who felt that a cop saying he was going to kill someone, the cop shooting the guy five times with a, ahem, nonstandard weapon, and then planting a gun, was not sufficient evidence to sustain a “guilty” verdict, the mob decided to attack the mayor’s home. The logic of crowds will never be something I understand, I’m afraid. This passage in the news story is telling:

Since Ferguson, police shootings or other uses of force — and decisions not to charge the officers in most of the cases involved — have set off heated protests in New York, Baltimore, Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Charlotte and other cities across the country.

What do all these cities have in common? I’ll let the commenters answer that.

London cops have arrested someone who should be charged with incompetent bomb-making. As of this writing, the suspect has not yet been named, but they did say he was an 18 year old male. At 18, my friends and I were extremely skilled at ordnance, and we would have turned ourselves in out of a sense of embarrassment for fucking up an easy task. If we’re betting, I’ll take the “under” on the kid being Amish.

We can always count on California politicians to beclown themselves, this time with efforts to prevent Trump from being on the presidential ballot in 2020. Because democracy, right?

“It’s time for Californians to have a louder voice about who is going to lead our country,” state Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens), said during a legislative hearing on his bill to move the state’s 2020 presidential primary from June 2 to March 3.

Because having more electoral votes than any other state is clearly insufficient for Dickie. No reason to let those hicks in the other 49 states to have a say, they might make the wrong choice. Kalifornia Uber Alles.


If I were tortured by the memories she must have, I might kill myself as well.





I admit it, I like this guy. It’s always fun when the mask slips and the Progs on TV are discovered to be closeted Mrs. Grundys.


Finally, the obligatory music. SP and I have been spending a great deal of time in Wisconsin and have grown to love the culture, the accents, and that way of life they have. Oh, and the beer and cheese. If we could escape Chicago and move north, we would. This is absolutely charming.