I *think* that’s what SP called me, but it didn’t seem to sound complimentary. Maybe it was her accent? Or her missing front teeth because her baby teeth just came out (the Tooth Fairy left her a shiny new quarter under her pillow for each one). Well, anyway, I’m hoping that when the permanent teeth come in, they’ll be nice and straight because we can’t afford braces. Enough personal stuff, time for links to various and sundry.

Big news is Fat Boy detonating his own Fat Boy. Do you think he learned something from what Bush did to Saddam Hussein and what Obama did to Gaddafi? Heckuva job, guys. You managed to fuck up the one legitimate task of Federal government while you were busy doing a million things you had no business doing. BBC’s take is, as usual, enlightening.

Texas and California really should get together and make a deal.

Some observations on the death of the wonders that was once Whole Foods. I never understood how they managed to survive in a world with Mariano’s and Wegman’s, but I suppose Angry Liberals need an enclave so they don’t have to hobnob with people who may not be Berniebots.

One of these days, I’ll figure out what the point of this tax-money-pit is. Nice job, Peggy, but seriously, NASA, fuck you, cut spending. This appointment may be a step in the right direction, but really, another fucking drug warrior?

And more Music From OMWC’s Youth: