Hey, look. I’m on time and the only person writing links this afternoon. All is right with the world!

Statues of people who were bad people, down. White polos, out. Buying a Hugo Boss suit or VW? Meh. *

Washinton Post argues with a straight face that Free Speech is only good when it doesn’t hurt liberals or the media. You think I’m exaggerating, but (emphasis mine):

It was one thing to defend the American Nazi Party’s right to march in Skokie, Ill. in 1977, when the liberal establishment and mainstream media were still intact and American Nazi Party was a marginal fringe group. The group was offensive, but neither its actions nor its ideas posed a threat to the political or social order, which was stable. The situation is different today, with an erratic President Trump in the White House, elites in disarray and white nationalism on the rise. In this situation, and against this foe, it may be worth remembering that our constitutional rights are not unchanging abstract principles,

Russians and crypto-nazis and tensions on the Korean Peninsula and new ICBMs? If we’re going to live the 50’s over again, can we at least get the rocket-cone bras back?

I say, pshaw! I once worked for a guy who had implemented a pretty accurate chemical process simulation software in Excel. Now that was a fucking spreadsheet.

*Given how actual fascism works, I understand that every German company now that was a German company then was a collaborator of lesser or greater extent.

Let’s have a little folk rock.

EDIT: Banjos brings the most brutal headline of the day.