I’m just returned from a sojourn to Indiana. I would count it as a successful trip in that when I returned home, SP hadn’t changed the locks.

One thing I noticed was the prevalence of “No Wind Farms!” signs along all of the back roads I drove on. I’m curious about what the local objections are, but didn’t stop to ask. Maybe one of you Indianaians (or whatever the hell they call you) can fill me in?

When it comes to flinging mulcted dollars for military expansionism, Team Red seems to be no better than Team Blue. Here’s a delightful and telling quote:

Some here worry about increased crime and that American soldiers will be on the prowl for local women. The U.S. Army has developed an app so troops can check which bars have been deemed off-limits, either because they’ve been caught serving drinks to minors or because they’re selling sex.

Florida never disappoints. What this country needs is common-sense ionization control laws.

OK, this one is stunning. Are you sitting down? A labor union is apparently riddled with corruption! And there’s a guy named Iacobelli in the middle of it!

The first court rulings have come out preventing politicians from blocking trolls on social media. This is actually good news for those of us who would like to see as many monkey wrenches as possible thrown into the gears of government. TW: Slate.

Vinyl cyanide found on a Saturnian moon, Titan. Team Blue is already calling for action by the EPA. This being CNN, the article is illustrated with a photo of a different moon.

Jesse.in.mb will be coming to visit us shortly. Here’s a clip of the first time that he and I met.

Set loose two of the finest guitarists to ever inhabit this planet on a quotidian song and watch the fireworks.