Alright, here’s what’s gonna happen, I’m gonna start out with a story from my job, talk about minimum wage and why kids don’t work today, then end with a gripe.

Foreseeable consequences are not unintended.

So I was busing tables for my $1.50 an hour, you know just watering and cutting bread, when this kid, and when I say kid, I mean a guy who was 23 and had never had a job, who was simultaneously well groomed and unkempt walks in. I thought to myself, “Oh God, fine I’ll water you and cut, whatever.” So I continue on and water him and all that. He was rude to me and the server who I’m friends with so I didn’t like this kid, but fine again, whatever. So as the night picked up, I passed by his table a few times until eventually he drops this line on his parents, “As long as we have a middle class in america we can’t have equality.” Now I had to water and cut bread so I didn’t hear more. But this made me so angry that it almost ruined my night, a night which already had a lot going wrong recently.

Alright, story time’s over, now it’s time to talk about the minimum wage. Now this is already a loaded topic so I’m not going to step into what is so intricate about it, but instead I’ll cut right to the meat of my argument. It’s not the only reason why kids can’t get jobs now. Much of the refusal to hire kids is due to the following two reasons:

  1. Kids are now less willing to work and are thus less reliable workers who employers are willing to hire
  2. And kids provide a whole slew of issues, to the point where even if they are willing to work, they are not allowed to work in certain places

But let’s break both of these down. Amongst kids there is a lot of pressure to not only socialize, but also to play structured sports, to the point where they have no time to spare between homework and extracurriculars. The extracurriculars are mostly used by parents earlier in the kid’s life to signal their wealth. These extracurriculars tend to then continue later into the kid’s life until we have the current situation. But what about the liability issues? Well, they primarily start around the following two laws “kids under 16 may not work with food” and “kids under 16 may not handle cash.” I don’t know if these are federal or state, but it meant that until I was 16 I couldn’t get an actual job. There are also safety issues which mean that kids can’t be involved with heavier labor like landscaping unless they get expensive medical testing. This renders most jobs unavailable for kids.

Now onto the gripe. I don’t earn $1.50 an hour on my actual paycheck, instead it’s $5.50 an hour plus tips. But the payroll tax is so utterly fucked, to the point where out of every $5.50 I never see $4. That’s $4 which goes to the fedgov and not me. Fuck payroll and income taxes together. Anyway, y’all let me know if you have any stories of your own.