The ball is juiced and the strike zone tends to get bigger and smaller based on the situation. But none of that was able to keep the hard-hitting Astros from coming back to win Game 2 of the World Series last night.  Hoo-boy! That was a doozy of a game.  Now its back home to Minute Maid Park, where the ball will really fly (unless they replace them with, you know, actual baseballs that don’t surprise batters when they leave the field instead of dropping in for lazy pop flies).

Also, football is back tonight as a diversion. Thank God I can watch something boring after those two action-packed baseball games.  Think about the truth in that statement for a minute and then wonder why the NFL’s attendance and viewership is really dropping like a stone.

Right. Let’s do…the links!

So now we’re supposed to believe these things about Vegas:

  1. The shooter acted alone
  2. He put up security cameras in a Vegas hotel/casino hallway without anyone noticing
  3. Nobody else helped him
  4. He shot a security guard several minutes before his rampage in a hail of 200 bullets and the police never came upstairs and nobody in a room on the floor opened their door and called the front desk
  5. His house was burgled just after the shooting but nothing important was taken
  6. And now we are being told that he took his laptop with him into that hotel room but the hard drive is gone.

OK, sure thing.  That all seems legit. Especially since the dude has absolutely none of the signs of a mass shooter and nothing else in the world makes any sense in this thing.  I’m sorry, but this whole thing feels like someone is trying to feed me a pile of horseshit.

Spot the racism! Its there.

The latest hotbed of racism?  Kellogg’s!!!!  America’s cereal manufacturers have always been racist, so this shouldn’t be news.  Those fucks at General Mills have been making fun of the drunken Irish since forever. And their “Kike Flakes” brand with the gold-dust coated flakes was obviously a bad idea in 1934.

The FBI informant that brought you the real Russian collusion scandal has been cleared to testify before the House and Senate committees on the Uranium One “deal”. That ought to fill a few pairs of pants with shit over at the DNC Headquarters, not to mention the Clinton Global Scam and there FBI.

Disgusting fat pig

Don’t worry Rosie. I’m sure you’ve got enough fat and bile stored up inside you to labor through it.

What a shitty way to go.

Still delicious, but also evil!

Where do your delicious gummy bears come from? Sugar…and slaves!

Grrrrrrrrl Power!

Enjoy the day, friends.  Banjos gets home in a few more hours from Balmer. So it looks like I’m gonna make it through her trip without going insane.