Welp, I can be sure that bitch Irma is no longer heading for me, as the county schools are closing down tomorrow and Friday. This guarantees Irma will pass us by and I will be trapped in my house with my family for the next two days. Vhyrus and JB have both not yet made offers to have me drive down and do something (anything!) to get away. But for you Glibs in South and East Florida, the offer to JB made in the Morning Links comments is good for all. Send me contact info at the submit@glibertarians.com email address and I’ll stand ready to help next week as soon as Irma passes through. Lemme know what you need if you get hit but can still communicate. And now… the links!

If anyone has 400 gallons of gas in South FL, this guy’s post may be inspiring. Not sure Austin, TX is the place for that.

Secure your power grid, Turkey!

I’m not saying Irma was caused by aliens, but the USAF is scrambling to launch a X-37 ahead of landfall.

Nurses arrested for mourning the loss of a treasure.

This is a little throwback to when heroin was fun the second (3rd?) time.