Its a rare day when I’m don’t miss living in Houston at least a little bit. Today is one of them. If Noah had come from Texas, a hell of a lot more people than just his family would have survived. The good news is, very few lives are lost. The bad news is, probably a million people will be economically destroyed. I’ll start looking into emerging voluntarism opportunities to help or fund. Maybe at the end of the week, when we (hopefully) know what it all is going to look like.

UPDATE: Texas Monthly has a starter list here. I did a preliminary vetting of the charity Global Giving mentioned and it appears to be quite reputable.

Onto the links!

Photo Credit: Banjos. Taken from their back window

Good news, everyone, I’m going to live forever! Actually, I’m probably down to 2-3 from 6+. So maybe I need to raise my game.

Expect gas prices to go up at least 10% until Houston gets back to work. Maybe, just maybe, enviroweenies, we should move some of our eggs out of that basket.

Mr. Lizard’s Texas cousin seeking shelter

Headlines that surprise no one: California considers taxing _____ .

Uber picks a Persian CEO. No racist jokes about knowing the taxi industry!

More evidence that when the robot uprising occurs, it’ll be because some disaffected 16-year old with no friends decides to hack all robots to kill all humans.

A Houston boy covering an appropriate song. Serious question, how do I get the job as the background trombone player?