Back to the ol’ grind, eh everyone? How about some links to make the afternoon a little better? Well then – you will just have to settle for these.

  • This is about as British Tabloid-y as I can find.
  • Um, not the way to handle such a situation. Try “Apartment Finder” instead.
  • Stayin’ shooty in Chicago….read the headline and try not to cringe.
  • I am getting a ever so slight impression that the author is not a fan of MA’s Governor.
  • Germans interrogate interview Julian Assange.

So there you are.  Oh, a note from the Roller Derby article – you Glibs amaze me – I see something like LT Fish’s article on something I consider a bit exotic… and the comments light up with people involved in the sport directly, or have spouses or such involved. An odd and wonderful lot you all are.