When, as a nation, did we get to the point of media talking heads asking if the party that’s made monumental gains over the last 6-8 years across the country can govern?  Oh yeah, I guess its after they can’t agree on a health care replacement for 1/6th of our nation’s economy in a matter of a few weeks and decided to wait a few months before tackling it.  It also happened when that party was the GOP, which most media do not agree with politically.  Oh well, let’s get on with the SUNDAY MORNING LINKS!!!

We need to keep swine like this off the streets.

Speaking of the aforementioned failure, Rand Paul is taking a victory lap.

Pig opens fire in Bellagio hotel.  I have no other comment.

I had no idea there were places that effectively banned images of happy adults with Down Syndrome from media because they might make people think twice before they abort a developing child with the disability.  That its in a civilized, western nation is even more surprising.

Not a hot chick.

Remember that pretty good looking Texas teacher who was smiling in her mug shot after being arrested for having sex with a 17 year old student?  Yeah, well this is from the same state but is not quite the same situation.

Asshole pharma company funds large part of effort to keep marijuana illegal.  Turns around a few months later and get approval for synthetic form of drug.  People like this should be in stocks. So Should the clowns at the DEA.

Hey you!  Don’t watch that. Watch this!