Do the states have to do all this stuff?

Yeah, I know there's stuff in that particular document about Congressional salary and apportionment, but it's mostly the Bill of Rights

The Bill of Rights (NARA)

You know, that Bill of Rights stuff? We’ll stay with the first eight amendments to make things simpler.

There’s been a really big debate on whether the U. S. Constitution requires the states to obey the Bill of Rights. The Supreme Court used to say no, then mostly no, now mostly yes.

Around a year ago, I thought I could write up some material about the states and the Bill of Rights and the history of this whole controversy.

The problem is lots of other people have written about this too, so I would have to find a distinctive way of doing it.

I decided that a series of vignettes, real-life human-interest stories, each story dealing with some facet of the subject, might make the whole topic of “the Bill of Rights and the States” come alive.

So I did some research and gathered some material for the various vignettes.

All that research was sitting around for some time doing nothing when Glibertarians said they were accepting contributions.

So I says to myself, I says, “finally, somewhere to unload all this stuff!”

No, actually what I said was, “the educated and sophisticated people at Glibertarians would make an ideal audience for all this material!”

So until someone pulls the plug on this or I get tired, I think I’ll share some of the material in my Bill of Rights research files.

Now allow me to pad out this post with some pictures.

Here’s a statue of James Madison:

The way they do this statue, it makes Madison look taller

Memorial Hall. Statue of James Madison by Walker K. Hancock. Library of Congress James Madison Building, Washington, D.C.

Here is a bald eagle:

"Interestingly enough, in the Eagles' Republic our national animal is a hairy human."

American Bald Eagle taken at the Hoogle Zoo in UT